28. International Film Festival ZOOM – ZBLIŻENIA 03 – 09.03.2025 / Jelenia Góra / Poland

Short documentary film competition – part I

Short documentary film competition – part I

WEDNESDAY, 06.10.2021, 10:00, Jeleniogórskie centrum Kultury


It is already 40 years since the Saharawi population became a refugee in Algeria because of the Moroccan occupation. While the POLISARIO government tries out to solve the conflict with institutional help, Saharawi youngsters advocate for the option of an armed conflict. While they wait, cinema will be their only weapon.

ESP, Espero, 2019, 16:14, dir./ prod.  Adrián Díaz, Loreto Saiz


Mujeres tras la cámara, Madrid – Finalist; CYLNEMA en Corto, Spain – Best Student Short


A sociological meditation on the different “exits” that young Palestinians choose to cope with life in the refugee camps.

DNK/UK/LBN, 2020, 14:47, dir./ prod. Mahdi Fleifel


Glasgow Short Film Festival, International Competition – Bill Douglas Award for International Short Film; Open City Documentary Festival, UK Shorts Competition – Best UK Short Film; Malmö Arab Film Festival, Sweden, Short Film Competition – Special Jury Award; Tegenstroom International Short Film Festival, Netherlands, Opstromers Competition – Best Documentary; Beirut Shorts International Film Festival, Lebanon – Best Documentary Film

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Several years ago, I immigrated to Germany. Here, I live in a small old house that urgently needs modernization, which theoretically protects me from wind, rain, and cold.

D/MEX, 2020, 12:12, dir./prod. Victor Orozco Ramirez


Morelia Film Fest, Mexico –Special Mention; Videoformes, France – Special Mention; Ann Arbor Film Festival, USA – Best Experimental Film Award; Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival, USA – Special Jury Recognition for Narrative Innovation


The story of an athlete tells us that it is never easy to achieve your goals. It portrays the human desire to overcome adversities and achieve being at the top from different perspectives. Wilmar Marulanda’s story is about a cyclist full of dramatic conjunctions that reflect the story of Colombian cycling embodied in an athlete with a challenging condition.

COL, La Cima, 2019, 07:10, dir./ prod.  Christian Camilo Ossa Rodriguez


Kurssal Film Fest – Best International Documentary; Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes De Inclusión “todos Somos Diferentes“ – Honorable Mention; Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival – Honorable Mention; The International Outdoor Documentary Film Festival Of China – Semifinalist

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Director Gal Dor’s father is in prison. He sometimes receives a 48-hour furlough, quarantined in a small apartment and under her court-ordered supervision. Gal fears she might end up as her dad and decides to use “imprisonments” to learn how to avoid it.

ISR, 48 Shaot Im Abba, 2020, 43:16, dir./ prod. Gal Dor

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