FRIDAY, 08.10.2021, 12:30, Jeleniogórskie Centrum Kultury

Hot summer, a caravan on the beach in the vicinity of a seaside resort. For the two brothers, the time is measured by swimming training. This will be a forgetful holiday for the younger one as he is training for his first long-distance competition.
PL, 2020, 30:00, dir. Karol Lindholm, prod. Studio Munka SFP
A skyscraper windshield wiper, who is dissatisfied with repetitive work every day, encounters a strange occurrence on a dull workday.
IRN, Poshte Panjerh ha, 2019, 02:59, dir. Mehdi Irvani, prod. Reza Taherkhani, Mehdi Irvani
Beloit International Film Festival – Power Of Film Award

Lust, sexuality, physicality. These are the deepest desires, a virgin Julia working in a roadside motel suppresses until she meets a handsome lorry driver who soon becomes the object of her phantasies.
PL, 2020, 30:00, dir. Tadeusz Łysiak, prod. Maciej Ślesicki – Warszawska Szkoła Filmowa
Rhode Island International Film Festival – Nagroda dla najlepszej aktorki Anna Dzieduszycka; Bangalore Shorts Film Festival – Nagroda w kategorii: Let’s Include; Europejski Festiwal Filmowy “Integracja Ty i Ja” – “Motyl” za najlepszy film fabularny, Wyróżnienie dla Anna Dzieduszycka; Międzynarodowy Festiwal Sztuki Autorów Zdjęć Filmowych “Camerimage” – “Brązowa Kijanka” w Konkursie Etiud Studenckich – Konrad Bloch; Festiwal Polskich Filmów Fabularnych – Nagroda za zdjęcia w Konkursie Filmów Krótkometrażowych – Konrad Bloch; Festiwal Filmu Polskiego w Ameryce, Chicago – Nagroda “Odkrywcze Oko”; Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmów Krótkometrażowych “In The Palace” – Nagroda dla najlepszego studenckiego filmu fabularnego; Atlanta Film Festival – Nagroda dla najlepszego krótkiego filmu fabularnego
Two afghan immigrant boys working in a rubbish dump kill each other while helping to kill rats.
IRN, 2020, 18:33, dir. Reza Hasanzadeh, prod. Roghayeh Mohammadpour, Ruhollah Ghayem

18-year-old Julia lives in a poor mining town with her brother. One day she tries her luck at a model casting in the hope of starting a new life abroad. However, during the casting, it turns out that they are looking for porn actresses.
HUN, 2020, 27:50, dir. Sándor Csoma, pord. Mónika Mécs, Ernő Mesterházy, Nóra Alföldi, Zoltán Mártonffy, László Dreissiger, Dániel Deák, Dániel Molnár, Csanád Darvas, Sándor Csoma, István Balázs Balázs
Busho, Budapest International Short Film Festival – Best Actress, Special Prize of the Student Jury (Best Short Film); Canadian Cinematography Awards – Best Cinematography, Best Student Director, Best Actress, Best Editing, Best Production Design, Best Student Film, Best Film of the Month; Early Bird International Film Festival – President of the Jury Award; Golden Eye Festival – Best Student Work (Best Cinematography), Grand Prize (Best Cinematography); Lubuskie Film Summer – Bronze Grape (Best Short Film)
Father and Son. Two lines are coming near to each other but only meeting in the infinity. Noel’s father is dying. They have never been close to each other. The son feels that he must understand the reason for it before it’s too late.
HUN, Ha egyszer, 2020, 17:29, dir. Marcell Wrochna, prod. István Major, Petra Iványi, Miklós Bosnyák, Judit Romwalter, Vera Vodál