28. International Film Festival ZOOM – ZBLIŻENIA 03 – 09.03.2025 / Jelenia Góra / Poland

The order of presentation



06.10.2021 WEDNESDAY

PART I  10:00 – 11:45                    

  1. Espero (I Wait) – Adrián Díaz, Loreto Saiz (ESP)
  2. 3 Logical Exits – Mahdi Fleifel (DNK/UK/LBN)
  3. Revolykus – Victor Orozco Ramirez (D/MEX)
  4. La Cima (The Peak) – Christian Camilo Ossa Rodriguez (COL)
  5. 48 Shaot Im Abba (48 Hours With Dad) – Gal Dor (ISR)


PART II  12:05 – 13:50    

  1. Nachts Kommen Die Bilder (The pictures come at night) -Ulrike Korbach (D)
  2. Nachts Sind Alle Katzen Grau (All Cats Are Grey in the Dark) – Lasse Linder (CHE)
  3. La Nueva Normalidad (The New Normality) – Manolo Vazquez (ESP)
  4. Homo Peregrinus – Andrzej Święch (PL)


PART III   15:50 – 17:45    

  1. The Chimney Swift – Frédéric Schuld (D)
  2. FUTHARK- Konrad Kultys (PL)
  3. La Estancia Íntima (The intimate room) – Pancho Aguirre (ESP)
  4. Oko Boga (Eye of God) – Igor Kawecki (PL)
  5. Wieloryb z Lorino (The Whale From Lorino) – Maciej Cuske (PL)


07.10.2021          THURSDAY

PART IV  10:45 – 12:45    

  1. Just a Guy – Shoko Hara (D)
  2. Kometa (Comet) – Adam Buka (PL)
  3. Opowieść o dwóch siostrach (A Tale of Two Sisters) – Jakub Prysak (PL)
  4. Ognjilo (SPARKS) – Vladimir Perovic (MNE)
  5. Work for Him – Hilarija Locmele, Fariba Buchheim  (D)


PART V   13:00 – 15:00                    

  1. Opus magnum – Filip Bojarski (PL)
  2. CELL 364 – Zoé Rossion,  Mathilde Babo (FRA)
  3. Dziś, jutro… wczoraj (Today, tomorrow… yesterday) – Krzysztof Kadłubowski, Diana Kadłubowska (PL)
  4. To See Independence – Piotr Jasiński (PL)


08.10.2021          FRIDAY

PART VI     10:45 – 12:45   

  1. Budu z tvé krásy žít! (I will live out of your beauty!) – Tereza Vokatá (CZE)
  2. Notre territoire (Our territory) – Mathieu Volpe (BEL)
  3. The desired one – Óscar  Bernàcer (ESP)
  4. What if nothing? – Monika Krupa (PL)


PART VII  13:00 – 14:40   

  1. Seal Story – Historia Foki (Seal Story) – Bartłomiej Błaszczyński (PL)
  2. Be’eynaim Pkuchot (With Open Eyes) – Hamutal Goren (ISR)
  3. Heimaey (Home Island) – Sonia Ladidà Schiavone (ITA)
  4. Požiarne hlásenie (Fire Report) – Katarína Jonisová (SVK)
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