28. International Film Festival ZOOM – ZBLIŻENIA 03 – 09.03.2025 / Jelenia Góra / Poland

The order of presentation


WTOREK 08.03.2022    10:00 – 11:30     (JCK, ul. Bankowa 28/30)

1/ A Tiny Tale (Latitude du printemps) – Sylvain Cuvillier, Chloé Bourdic, Théophile Coursimault, Noémie Halberstam, Maÿlis Mosny, Zijing Ye (FRA)

2/ Praktyczny Pan (Mr Practical) – Michał Poniedzielski, Dominik Litwiniak (PL)

3/ Winter Wind (Vent d’Hiver) – Jeremy Andriambolisoa, Théo Duhautois, Quentin Wittevrongel, Alicia Massez, William Ghyselen, Thomas Dell’Isola (FRA)

4/ Mora Mora – Jurga Šeduikytė (LTU)

5/ Nestling (Galchenok) – Marat Narimanov (RUS) – Disqualified

6/ In Nature  – Marcel Barelli (CHE)

7/ The Extraordinary Story of Bruna – Anna Solanas (ESP)

8/ The Hand And The Egg – Fatemeh Gharavi Manjili (IRN)

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