5.03.2025 WEDNESDAY
PART I, 17:50 – 19:00
- The primal repair, dir. Julia Kudełka (PL)
- My, morze i smutny koniec, dir. Małgorzata Rybak, (PL)
- Innego końca nie będzie, Piotr Mielczarek, (PL)
- A sheep story, dir. Rakel Andrésdóttir, (ISL/CZE)
- Padarožža, dir. Krystsina Ramanava, (CZE)
- Dotknout se tmy, dir. Jamaica Kindlová, (CZE)
- Humanity, Tereza Kovandová, (CZE)
- Miłość w czasach inflacji, Zuzanna Heller, (PL)
- 49 385, dir. Helena Stańczyk, (PL)
- Ciepło zimno, dir. Jakub Siedlecki, (PL)
6.03.2025 CZWARTEK
PART II, 09:30 – 10:40
- Conquerors, dir. Eloi Tomas, Martí Roca, (HND/ESP)
- A menina e o pote, dir. Valentina Homem, Tati Bond, (BRA)
- Le sexe de ma mère, dir. Francis Canitrot, (FRA)
- Dragfox, dir. Lisa Ott, (UK)
- Un genre de testament, dir. Stephen Vuillemin, (FRA)
PART III, 14:30 – 15:40
- Gilbert, dir. Alejandro Salueña García, Arturo Lacal Ruiz, Jordi Jiménez Xiberta, (ESP)
- Point and line to cosmos, dir. Pablo Ballarín, (ESP/EST)
- La perra, dir. Carla Melo Gampert, (COL/FRA)
- Canard, dir. Elie Chapuis, (CHE/BEL)
- Your dad, dir. Anita Kühnel Szabó, (HUN)
7.03.2025 FRIADY
PART IV, 09:30 – 10:40
- A rapariga de olhos grandes e o rapaz de pernas compridas, Maria Hespanhol, (PRT)
- Une grande roue au milieu du désert/ diabelski młyn na pustyni, dir. Lénaïg Le Moigne, (FRA)
- The car that came back from the sea, dir. Jadwiga Kowalska, (CHE)
- Echoes, dir. Robinson Drossos, (FRA)
- Children of the bird, dir. Julia Tudisco, (HUN)
- A world of chaos, dir. David Crisp, (HUN)