28. International Film Festival ZOOM – ZBLIŻENIA 03 – 09.03.2025 / Jelenia Góra / Poland


28. International Film Festival ZOOM – ZBLIŻENIA

03 – 09.03.2025

Jelenia Góra/ Poland




  1. Film contest of ANIMATED FILM FOR CHILDREN will be held 04.03.2025 in Jelenia Góra, Poland.
  2. The main idea of ​​the contest is the presentation of films for children in the age 7-12.
  3. Submitted films should be made in 2021 – 2024.
  4. The duration of a registered film cannot exceed 10 minutes
  5. Art schools, film schools, production companies, film institutions, independent artists and other entitled may submit films to the competition.
  6. Films should be submitted to the selection by ONE chosen by the author way:

a) zoomfestival.pl (SUBMIT A FILM button) by filling out the registration form on the website and submitting a public or private (with or without password) movie link (e.g. Vimeo, Youtube, etc.) with unlimited time access.

b) by the submitting platform FilmFreeway: https://filmfreeway.com/festival/InternationalFilmFestivalZOOMZBLIZENIA

c) by the submitting platform FESTHOME:



Please SUBMIT your film ONLY by ONE chosen website (www.zoomfestival.pl or http://filmfreeway.com or https://filmmakers.festhome.com)

  1. The festival charges a fee of $ 6.00 for each film submitted via FilmFreeway platform. If the film does not selected for the festival, the fee is not refunded. In case of submitting films via the registration form on our website www.zoomfestival.pl or by submitting platform FESTHOME no fee is charged.
  2. Deadline for submissions 27.09.2024.
  3. The only exceptions are student films that can be submitted by the registration form on our website zoomfestival.pl by 21.10.2024.
  4. All non-Polish films with dialogues (except films made in English language) must include English subtitles.
  5. The films will be presented to the children’s audience with a lecturer.
  6. The selection of films submitted to contests will be made by Jury established by the organizer whose decisions are irrevocable.
  7. The contestants will be informed about the results of qualification on the Festival’s official website zoomfestival.pl by 13.12.2024.
  8. The organizer is not obliged to give explanations about the subject of qualification.
  9. The authors of films qualified to the competition are obliged to send by 31.12.2024:
  10. a) 3 film shots (resolution 300 dpi)
  11. b) a projection copy of qualified film
  12. c) dialogue list in English (srt. + time codes)

to the zoom.maincontest@gmail.com

In the case of sending the link to download the film by e-mail, the link must remain active until 09.03.2025.

In the case of sending the data storage device with the film to the festival office by regular mail, the date of postmark determines.

In case the failure to meet the deadline for sending projection copy which is 31.12.2025, the film will be disqualified.

  1. Films qualified to the contests can be projected in the following formats: mp4 HD, mov. Projection in other formats needs an earlier agreement with the organizers.
  2. Broadcast copies must contain subtitles inserted into the image (we do not accept any subtitles sent in separate files)
  3. Organizers do not cover any transport costs or custom duties due to deliverance or sending back films’ copies submitted for selection and films’ copies for the contest projections.
  4. In case of sending the projection copies by regular mail, the organizer does not take responsibility for possible loss or damage of the films caused by independent factors.
  5. The official ending of the festival, announcement of the contests’ results, and the award ceremony will take place on 08.03.2025 (Saturday evening). The awarded film presentation will take place on 09.03.2025 (the detailed programme of the event will be available on the festival website).
  6. Films made by the Jury members, commercial films, series, trailers, video clips cannot be submitted to the Competition.
  7. The applicant is obliged, after the film has been selected, to provide the organizer with a direct contact to the director or producer of the film – the persons who will be the decision-makers regarding the reception of possible prizes.
  8. Due to the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, we would like to inform you that the Russian films which will be submitted to the 28. IFF ZOOM-ZBLIŻENIA 2025 will not be eligible for competitions.


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­THE PRIZES:

  1. The prize for the best film of the competition in the amount of PLN 3,000 will be given by the children’s audience.
  2. The condition of receiving a financial or in-kind reward is the presence of the film’s author at the award ceremony.
  3. The author may delegate a person representing him/her during the festival and the awards ceremony, which he/she should inform the organizer in writing before the festival begins.
  4. In case of situations that make it impossible to come to the gala, the awardee can send a “Thank you” video, following consultation with the organizer.
  5. The organizer will contact all the absent authors, upon receiving the jury verdict, no sooner than 07.03.2025.
  6. If the requirements of points 3 – 5 will not be fulfilled, only the diplomas will be sent to the absent authors.
  7. The financial prizes will be sent to the author’s bank account.
  8. The taxes will be deducted from the prizes according to the Polish Law.


Sylwia Motyl – has a deciding say about contentious issues not included in the Festival’s rules, also regulations or issues requiring additional attention.

Phone: +48 75 75 31 831, e-mail: sylwiamotyl.zoomfestival@gmail.com



Dominika Krop

Osiedlowy Dom Kultury w Jeleniej Górze,

Al. Jana Pawła II 18,

58-506 Jelenia Góra,


phone: +48 75 609 90 32 / +48 697 032 999






  1. The costs of hotel accommodation (in double rooms, accommodation with breakfast) during the competition, i.e. between 04 – 09.03.2025 and participation in festival events for 2 people from the crew of each qualified film will be covered by the organisers.
  2. The will of participation in the Festival ought to be confirmed by e-mail after announcement list of films qualified for the competition, no later than 10.02.2025. Lack of confirmation will be taken as withdrawal from personal presence in the Festival.
  3. The remaining filmmakers (subject to availability) pay only a partial cost of hotel accommodation and participation in festival events.
  4. Arrival costs are covered by the film authors.



  1. The film copyrights should in no way be restricted, violate any third party’s copy rights or other privileges. Should this condition not be met, the participants are obliged to attach to the Festival application a written statement explaining the legal status of his work.
  2. By submitting the film, the author agrees to show it to public and free of charge, within the Festival screenings.
  3. The organizers have the right to copy the competition films. The applicants are required to sign a statement that allows the organizers to screen the film at public special shows promoting the Festival.
  4. The organizer has the right to use the submitted materials for the Festival’s promotional actions.  The author agrees that the information about the film will be published on the Festival’s website, in official printings and that fragments of the film will be used to make promotional, audiovisual materials about the Festival.  
  5. Organizers act in a good faith and are not responsible for concealment of any information that refers to the legal situation of the submitted film. In case of any claims about third parties’ rights, the participant bears responsibility of legal action and covers all its expenses.
  6. The participants bear full responsibility for the data given in the application form. Giving false, illegible or incomplete personal information or lack of it results in rejection from the Festival.
  7. The organizer does not bear responsibility for giving false personal information or information about the third party. Such action results in nullifying the right for the prize.
  8. Submitting films is equivalent to the participant’s statement that he/she owns unrestricted personal and financial rights to the films and that he takes whole responsibility for breaking those rights.
  9. In case of any claim on the organizer by third parties, resulting from breaking the copyright or personal goods of the third parties involved in the use of the submitted materials, the Participant covers the costs and pays damages connected with the claim of those people.
  10. The participant is obliged to get acquainted with the Competition Rules and regulations.
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