As part of the 24th International Film Festival ZOOM-ZBLIŻENIA 2021, there will be 2 screenings of films awarded in the Czech Republic:
– December 7, 2021 in Turnov at the Sféra Cinema at 19:30
– December 8, 2021 in Semily at the Jitřenka Cinema at 19:30
In the program:
1. LOCULUS (IRN, r. Amir Rooini, 13:21, fiction)
2. YOUR OWN BULLSHIT (PL, Daria Kopiec, 06:25, animation)
3. THE WHALE FROM LORINO (PL, r. Maciej Cuske, 58:49, documentary)
4. DA YIE (BEL, r. Anthony Nti (BEL, 20:33, fiction)
5. SH_T HAPPENS (CZ, r. Michaela Mihalyi a David Štumpf, 13:10, animation